Day 2
10:00am- I'm back at the Moss Justice center sitting in a super cold room. Its called the "deliberation room," I need one of those in my house. I am sitting with 12 other people and we just stare at each other sort of suspiciously; sizing each other up as to who is going to be the trouble maker who goes 12 Angry Men on us.
10:30- We go and sit in the little box in the middle of the court room, its kind of like being a rockstar but without smiling and no Lycra. We find out that this is a domestic violence case-great and learn all the rules and stuff about what we can and cannot do. I feel bad one lady is the alternate. Like in miss America, she has to go through all the same junk but cannot make a decision, that's some boo.
10:45- Trial starts. Stereotyping is wrong? I think not, the prosecution and defense lawyers look and act exactly the way you see in movies and TV.
Little, nervous, bad tie: Begins his tail with "It was a dark, cold, rainy evening in December. The Christmas tree was lit up." Really, this is your A game? Its gonna be a looong day
I passed the BAR on Tuesday
Smarmy, smug, southern. Not regular southern but slightly Foghorn Leghorn: Begins with talking about TV shows, You good folks like them TV shows like Law and Order, well that's not exactly how it works...ya see." First of all, don't tell me Law and Order isn't real cuz I saw you on last week's episode. Secondly, please don't ever refer to me as a collection of you folks.
I got my degree from Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil Law.
Join me for the next installment: The Trial aka Rednecks in Love
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