Friday, December 12, 2008

Isn't it Romantic

Okay so some things that are romantic in the pages of a Danielle Steel novel that the reality of just plain freak me out

This whole kissing in the rain business seems way over rated to me. I mean yeah its hot in "The Notebook," but those are two ridiculously hot people and the math adds up to super duper hotness: If you take one Ryan Gosling and add one Rachel McAdams then multiple their wetness by two and add one fabulous 50s dress what do you get: Super duper romantic kissing in the rain. For those who just got super romantic kissing in the rain you forgot to carry the one Ryan Gosling beard.

the notebook Pictures, Images and Photos

Noah I think you’re beard just bit me.

Another ostensibly romantic rendezvous is riding around in a hot air balloon. The allure of taking a quiet float amongst marvelous scenery while drinking merlot does has a nice appeal to it. You are like a Sanka commercial or a Virginia Is for Lovers ad. I have this image in my mind of hot air balloon romancers. It includes patterned sweaters, pleated chinos, and fringe cut hair. Let us dissect this little fantasy for a moment. What you are really doing is getting into an oversized picnic basket that is held up by a nylon sheet and a high tech tiki torch. Also, do not forget that you are not in this basket alone; there is the hot air balloon operator. I think these guys are akin to carnies. They have names like Woody, Tad, or Drake and live in a circa 1982 Winnebago. Woody, Tad, and Drake travel from city to city like fleece wearing locusts following the balloon festivals. The only good thing about a hot air balloon is getting out of one.

Why did it take this guy three weeks to finish the tree?


Obviously Balloons over Virginia feels the same way.

“If music be the food of love, play on.” Shakespeare could bang out some pretty good poetry. A skill belonging to a elite few; why it is that everyone thinks they are a poet is beyond me. Bad poetry makes me wanna stab myself in the eye with a pencil. I don’t know what I would do if my husband ever came home speaking in iambic pentameter, I might just runaway with Woody, Tad, or Drake.

I found this at Very Bad Poems-My new favorite place.

Way back before the dawn of mankind.
I think the time was,
One out of eleven.
People succumb.
And that's the it was.
Way back in the time.
Of one out of eleven.

“Beautiful” and “Hey there Delilah”, radio stations are out to get us. These two songs are proof of that. When they both first came out, you heard it a couple times a week and thought, “awww isn’t that sweet, sensitive boys, not poetry sensitive but just right,” or at least that’s what I thought. In the following weeks, it went from a couple times a week to a dozen and then before you knew it every single station had both these songs on all the time. At the height of the madness, there were only three radio choices. The two just stated or Lil Wayne’s Lollipop.

James Blunt Pictures, Images and Photos

lil wayne Pictures, Images and Photos

I just can’t choose!

Gimme some roses anyday, always a classic!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

How to sound smarter

My sister and I recently had a discussion covering a wide range of topics.

They should totally package cranberry stuff in molded cans cuz nobody ever bothers to do anything to disguise the shape.

But that is not the point of this blog, just a little aside for ya.

Sometimes in heated discussions one should have an arsenal of words to make one sound more intelligent, more on their game. It doesn’t really matter if you know the definition of said word because chances are your conversational opponent is not going to have a clue either. I have a compiled a key list for you to employ is you should ever find your self in a tête-à-tête standoff.

Word List
Barometric-a smart sounding word about the weather
Doppler- see above
Diatribe- ranting: example; Courtney frequently goes on nonsensical diatribes.
Homogeny- it took me three months of grad school to figure this out, I still don’t know
Schematic- architectural term and you know architects are smart
Foucault- a guy who wrote a book about deconstructionism
Deconstructionism- a subject written about by a guy named Foucault
Myanmar-used to Burma, no one really knows where it is
Mesopotamia- country from a long time ago sounds smarter than Babylon
Totalitarianism- form of government that makes you sound politically savvy
Warren Buffet- totally wealthy guy who gives lots of money to poor kids in Myanmar
The Birth of a Nation- silent controversial film, not movie, film
Proust- pronounced Proost, you get mad points for pronunciation

These words should aid you when you wanna impress some know-it-all or smug friend or family member. See if you can use multiple words in a sentence. I will give you an example: In ancient Mesopotamia, the architectural schematic clearly shows a totalitarianism sate of mind. (Sounds pretty smart, eh?)

foucault Pictures, Images and Photos

Even Foucault doesn't understand himself